Lectureship Award
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Special Lectureship Award 受賞者一覧 | 国内の研究機関に所属する研究者であり、光化学の研究において顕著な業績をあげた者に授与する。 |
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Honda-Fujishima Lectureship Award 受賞者一覧 | 外国の研究機関に所属する60歳程度までの研究者であり、光化学の研究において顕著な業績をあげた者に授与する。 |
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Elsevier Lectureship Award 受賞者一覧 | 国内外の研究機関に所属する60歳程度までの研究者であり、光化学の研究において顕著な業績をあげた者に授与する。受賞後数年以内に、ElsevierのJournal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews” (略称JPPC)に、招待論文を執筆する。 |
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Kataoka Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist (旧名称:The Japanese Photochemistry Association Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist Sponsored by Eikosha、 2021年改称) 受賞者一覧 | 日本以外のアジアオセアニア地域の研究機関に所属する30歳後半から50歳未満の研究者であり、光化学の研究において顕著な業績をあげた者に授与する。 |
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Special Lectureship Award
※ 所属は受賞当時のもの
2023/9/6 | Yasuteru URANO (Univ. of Tokyo) "Creation of Novel Cancer Medical Technology Based on Rational Development of Photo-functional Probes" Hiromi YAMASHITA (Osaka Univ.) "Design of Nanostructured Photocatalysts for Sustainable Energy and Environmental Uses" |
2022/9/14 | Hiroshi IMAHORI (Kyoto Univ.) "Molecular Design Strategies for High-Performance Organic Photovoltaics" Toshiharu TERANISHI (Kyoto Univ.) "Development of Visible-to-Near Infrared Plasmonic Nanomaterials by Element Substitution" |
2021/9/15 | Munetaka AKITA (Tokyo Tech) "Renaissance of Photoredox Catalysis: Organic Synthesis Driven by Visible Light" Takahiro SEKI (Nagoya Univ.) "New Strategies for Photoalignment and Surface Morphing in Photoresponsive Liquid Crystalline Polymer Films" |
2020/9/10 | Chihaya ADACHI (Kyushu Univ.) "High performance organic light-emitting devices based on the fine control of CT states in organic materials" Shin-ichi ADACHI (KEK) "Ultrafast molecular structural dynamics studies with time-resolved X-ray methods" |
2019/9/11 | Masako KATO (Hokkaido Univ.) "From Assembly-induced Luminescence to Soft Crystals" Tsutomu MIYASAKA (Toin Univ. of Yokohama) "Progress and Future Perspectives of Photovoltaics Based on Organic Inorganic Halide Perovskites" |
2018/9/6 | Kazunari DOMEN (Univ. of Tokyo) "Photocatalytic Water Splitting for Solar Hydrogen Production" Yasushi YOKOYAMA (Yokohama National Univ.) "The Quest for Novel and Amazing Photoswitch Systems" |
2017/9/5 | Bunsho OHTANI (Hokkaido Univ.) "Revisiting heterogeneous photocatalysis from the standpoint of photochemistry" Kaoru YAMANOUCHI (Univ. of Tokyo) "Photochemical processes in intense laser fields" |
2016/9/7 | Naoto TAMAI (Kwansei Univ.) "Photochemistry of Noble Metal and Semiconductor Nanoparticles - Elementary Relaxation Processes and Carrier Transfer" Hitoshi TAMIAKI (Ritsumeikan Univ.) "Chlorophylls: Photochemistry, Metabolism, and Synthetic Application" |
2015/9/10 | Noboru KITAMURA (Hokkaido Univ.) "Excited Triplet States of Octahedral Hexanuclear Metal Clusters" Hiroshi MIYASAKA (Osaka Univ.) "Toward the Photoresponse beyond the Paradigm "One Photon, One Excited State and One Outcome" |
2014/10/12 | Hiroshi SEGAWA (Univ. of Tokyo) "Charge Transfer and Photo-energy Conversion" Hiroshi FUKUMURA (Tohoku Univ.) "Fascinated by time-resolved measurement: from phase separation dynamics of binary liquid systems to x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy" |
2013/9/12 | 小島 秀子(愛媛大院理工) 「有機固体光化学:分子の動きから結晶の動きへ」 三澤 弘明 (北大電子研) 「プラズモニック化学:人工光合成・太陽電池への展開」 |
2012/9/13 | 太田 信廣(北大電子研) 「光科学と電場効果」 渋谷 一彦(東工大院理工) 「衝突分子の分光学と光化学」 |
2011/9/7 | 福住 俊一(阪大院工) 「人工光合成の実現に向けて」 長村 利彦(九大名誉教授) 「光化学と分子フォトニクス」 |
2010/9/9 | 魚崎 浩平(物材機構MANA・北大院総合化学) 「固体表面上への単分子層の構築と光機能」 山内 清語(東北大多元研) 「励起状態のスピン化学-高周波ESRによる研究」 |
2009/9/17 | 井上 佳久(阪大院工) 「生体系ホストを用いるキラル超分子光化学」 大須賀 篤弘(京大院理)「新しいポルフィリンの合成と光物性」 |
2008/9/12 | 中島 信昭(阪市大院理) 「高強度レーザー化学の新展開―イオン化と多光子反応―」 真嶋 哲朗(阪大産研)「レーザー機能化学」 |
2007/9/27 | 平塚 浩士(群馬大工) 「有機ケイ素化合物の光物理・光化学」 遠藤 守信(信州大工) 「カーボンナノチューブの物性・機能と応用」 |
2006/9/11 | 手老 省三(東北大多元研) 「スピン光化学の進展 ‐光誘起電子移動反応におけるスピンダイナミクス‐」 水野 一彦(阪府大院工) 「高効率・高選択的な有機光化学反応の開発をめざして」 |
2005/9/12 | 伊藤 攻(東北大多元研) 「フラーレンの光化学-過渡吸収法の役割を中心にして」 高木 克彦(名大院工) "Photochemical and Photofunctional Pathways in Layered Double Hydroxide Clays" 中戸 義禮(阪大院基礎工) "A novel approach to solar water splitting through nano-sized structural control and molecular modification of semiconductor surfaces" |
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Honda-Fujishima Lectureship Award
2023/9/6 | Burkhard KÖNIG (Germany) "Improving Organic Synthesis with Photochemistry" |
2022/9/14 | Vivian Wing-Wah YAM (Hong Kong) "From Simple Discrete Metal-Ligand Motifs to Supramolecular Assembly, Nanostructures and Functions" |
2021/9/15 | Jayaraman Sivaguru (USA) "Lighting Up New Reaction Pathways - A Journey towards Developing New Excited State Processes in Molecules and Materials" |
2021/9/15 | Miguel A. Garcia-Garibay (USA) "Photochemical Reaction Mechanisms and Kinetics with Molecular Nanocrystals: Excited States, Strongly Entangled Qubit Pairs, and Photosalient Crystals" |
2019/9/11 | Dongho Kim (Korea) "A Journey to Molecular Excitonic World" |
2018/9/6 | Daniel G. Nocera (USA) "Food and Fuel from Sunlight, Air and Water" |
2017/9/5 | Albert M. Brouwer (Nederland) "Molecular Fluorescent Probes in Materials Science" |
2016/9/7 | Yuan-Pern Lee (Taiwan) "Investigation of Chemical Dynamics and Reaction Intermediates with a Step-scan Fourier-transform Infrared Spectrometer" |
2015/9/10 | Michael R. Wasielewski (USA) "Self-assembled Nanostructures for Artificial Photosynthesis" |
2014/10/12 | Thorsten Bach (Germany) "Chirality and Light: Enantioselective Catalysis of [2+2] Photocycloaddition Reactions" |
2013/9/12 | Thomas J. Meyer (USA) "Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting 50 Years After Honda-Fujishima" |
2012/9/13 | 該当なし |
2011/9/7 | 該当なし |
2010/9/9 | Jay R. Winkler (U.S.A) "Applications of Flash-Quench Photochemistry in Studies of Chemical Reaction Mechanism" |
2009/9/17 | Axel G. Griesbeck (Germany) "New Antimalarial Peroxides by Singlet Oxygen Photooxygenation Following Natures Advice" |
2008/9/12 | Kirk S. Schanze (USA) "Photophysics of Conjugated Polyelectrolytes: Fundamental Studies and Biosensor Applications" |
2007/9/27 | Miguel A. Miranda (Spain) "Excited States as Tools in Bioorganic Chemistry" |
2006/9/11 | Prashant Kamat (India) "Photoinduced Charge Separation in Organized Hybrid Assemblies" |
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Elsevier Lectureship Award
2023/9/6 | Jagadese J. VITTAL (Singapore) "Dynamic Photoreactive Crystals" |
2022/9/14 | Won-Sik HAN (Korea) "Small Structural Differences Make a Big Difference" |
2021/9/15 | Leif Hammarström (Sweden) "Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer in Artificial Photosynthesis" |
2021/9/15 | Dirk M. Guldi (Germany) "Step-Change in Solar Energy Conversion Schemes" |
2019/9/11 | Maurizio Fagnoni (Italy) "Photocatalyzed C(sp3)-H/C(sp2)-H Functionalization by Hydrogen-Atom Transfer (HAT) Reactions" |
2018/9/6 | Abderrazzak Douhal (Spain) "Zr-Based MOFs Photochemistry and its Application in Lighting and Photosensing" |
2017/9/5 | Can Li (China) "Photogenerated Charge Separation in Photocatalysis and Photoelectrocatalysis" |
2016/9/7 | Frank Würthner (Germany) "Photophysical Properties of Perylene Dye Aggregates" |
2015/9/10 | Stephan Link (USA) "Bio-Inspired Plasmonics" |
2014/10/12 | Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy (USA) "Controlling Photoprocesses with Confinement" |
The Japanese Photochemistry Association Kataoka Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist
※ 2021年度より改称 旧:The Japanese Photochemistry Association Lectureship Award for Asian and Oceanian Photochemist Sponsored by Eikosha
2023/9/6 | Eun Jin CHO (Korea) "N-O Bond Activation by Energy Transfer Catalysis" |
2022/9/14 | Yung-Jung HSU (Taiwan) "Semiconductor Heterostructures for Photocatalytic Applications" |
2021/9/15 | Yun Hau Ng (Hong Kong) "Understanding the Charge Transportation in Photoactive Semiconductors for Solar Fuels Generation" |
2021/9/15 | Mahesh Hariharan (India) "Ultrafast Excited State Dynamics of Twisted Aromatics" |
2019/9/11 | Hao Ming Chen (Taiwan) "Operando X-ray Spectroscopy Probing the Behaviors of Metal Centers during the Chemical Reactions" |
2018/9/6 | Jim Jr-Min Lin (Taiwan) "Kinetics of Criegee Intermediates and the Role of Water Probed by UV Absorption in Real Time" |
2017/9/5 | Achikanath C. Bhasikuttan (India) "Molecular Recognition in Biomolecular Assemblies: A Photochemical Perspective" |
2016/9/7 | Edwin K. L. Yeow (Singapore) "Ultralong Perovskite Microrods" |
2015/9/10 | Yen-Ju Cheng (Taiwan) "Development of Functional Organic and Polymeric Materials for Photovoltaic Applications" |
2014/10/12 | Wai-Yeung Wong (Hong Kong) "Photofunctional Metallopolyynes and Metallophosphors: New Multifunctional Materials with Emerging Applications" |
2013/9/12 | Jonathan Hobley (Singapore) "Photochemistry, Imaging and Spectroscopy in Interfacial Monolayer Systems" |
2012/9/13 | Jye-Shane Yang (Taiwan) "Effect of Hydrogen Bonding on the Excited-State Deactivation of GFP-like Chromophores" |
2011/9/7 | Chien-Tien Chen (Taiwan) "Doubly Ortho-linked Triarylethene, Diarylamine, and Spirofluorene Hybrids for Chirochromic Optical Switch and Optoelectronic Applications" |
2010/9/9 | Jincai Zhao (China) "Photodegradation of Dye Pollutans on TiO2sub> under Visible Irradiation and Application to Green Chemistry" |
2009/9/17 | Lei Jiang (China) "Bio-Inspired,Smart, Multiscale Interfacial Materials" |
2008/9/12 | Wonyong Choi (Korea) "Photochemical Conversion of Environmental Pollutants in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Systems" |
2007/9/27 | Sang Kyu Kim (Korea) "Observation of the Intramolecular Orbital Alignment in the Photodissociation of Thiophenol: Exploration of Upper Electronic States and the Effect of Chemical Modifications" |
2006/9/11 | Vivian Wing-Wah Yam (China) "Luminescent Metal-Based Molecular Materials From Design to Assembly and Functions" |