Annual Meeting on Photochemistry 2024
Date :
September 3 (Tue.) - 5 (Thu), 2024
Venue :
Ito Campus, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, JAPAN
Organized by :
The Japanese Photochemistry Association
Co-Organized by :
The Chemical Society of Japan
Photochemistry Division, The Chemical Society of Japan
Presentation :
Oral Presentation, Poster Presentation


Registration for Presentation have been closed.

for Participation

Registration Fee

Registration FeeEarly Bird FeeRegular Fee
General Members of JPA
Members of Co-organizing society
7,000 JPY8,000 JPY
Non-members of JPA
Non-members of Co-organizing society
10,000 JPY11,000 JPY
Student5,000 JPY6,000 JPY
Banquet FeeEarly Bird FeeRegular Fee
General7,000 JPY8,000 JPY
Student4,000 JPY5,000 JPY
If you are not a JPA member yet, please join the JPA before entry.
Application for membership

Important Dates

Registration for Presentation :
April 26 (Fri) - June 7 (Fri), 2024
Abstract Submission :
June 24 (Mon) - July 5 (Fri), 2024  Abstract Template (word)
Recommendation Submission :
June 24 (Mon) - July 5 (Fri), 2024
Online Registration for Participation :
April 26 (Fri) - August 26 (Mon), 2024
Early Bird registration: April 26 (Fri) - July 5 (Fri), 2024
* Please note that you must complete payment within this period.
Early Bird Fee will be applied to the Registration made between
April 26 (Fri) - July 5 (Fri), 2024.

Types of Presentation

  • Oral presentation, Poster presentation
    Oral Presentation: 20 minutes (12 min presentation, 7 min discussion, 1 min for change of the speakers)
  • Students may make an oral presentation, but they must be able to sufficiently respond to the questions from the audience.
  • The number of oral presentations from one lab is limited to two in total in principle, with only one oral presentation by student per lab.

Applicants for the Best Presentation Award for Students

The template of recommendation letter is below.

Template (word)
The numbers to be accepted as recommendation*1student per lab*2 students per lab
Abstract, Type of PresentationAbstract and slides must be prepared in English.Abstract and poster must be prepared in English.
Presentation LanguagePresentation must be given in English.Applicants can choose either English or Japanese for presentation at the time of application.
(Elsevier) Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C:Photochemistry Reviews Presentation Prize
(American Institute of Physics) Chemical Physics Reviews Prize
(Elsevier) Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Presentation Prize
(Royal Society of Chemistry) Journal of Materials Chemistry A Presentation Prize
are awarded to the applicants presented by English.
How to Apply
  • Please choose "Entry" to the Best Presentation Award for Students on the registration form for presentation.
  • Only one oral or poster presentation per applicant may be submitted for the Best Presentation Award for Students.
  • Entry to the Best Presentation Award for Students is open for the JPA student members only.
  • If you are not a member yet, please join the JPA before entry. For current members of the JPA, please check if you have paid membership fee for this year once again.
  • Award winners are ineligible to apply for the same award category.
Letter of recommendation
  • To apply for the Best Presentation Award for Students, a letter of recommendation from their supervisors is necessary.
  • The supervisors must be the JPA members.
  • The supervisors are advised to confirm that the student is appropriate for a nomination to the Best Presentation Award for Students, and if he/she is a member of the JPA before issuing a letter of recommendation.

Screening categories for the Best Presentation Award for Students

Screening will be conducted in two categories.

  • Category A (mainly Physical Photochemistry, Inorganic Photochemistry, and other related Photochemical Materials fields)
    Category B (mainly Organic Photochemistry, Biological Photochemistry, and other related Photochemical Materials fields)
  • Please note that we may conduct pre-screening of the candidates based on their abstracts and the letters of recommendation if the number of applicants for the awards is considerable.

Name of Awards

The Best Presentation Award for Students will be awarded as JPA award.
Special awards with international journal names as follows will be awarded to students with outstanding presentations.

Category A (American Institute of Physics) Chemical Physics Reviews Prize (Elsevier) Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews Presentation Prize
(American Institute of Physics) Chemical Physics Reviews Prize
Category B (Royal Society of Chemistry) Chemical Science Presentation Prize (Elsevier) Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry Presentation Prize
(Royal Society of Chemistry) Journal of Materials Chemistry A Presentation Prize