Please submit an electronic version of your Abstract written in English as described below.
Please read carefully through the abstract submission guidelines below before submitting your abstract.
Please note that once the abstract is submitted it will not be possible to make any changes.
Abstract submission details such as title of abstract, authors' name, affiliation, and position etc. must be the same as the details that have already been registered (registration for presentation).
Abstracts will be printed as submitted and be provided on USB stick.
The Abstract must be prepared with 2 pages in length on A4-size paper with the shorter side on the top, including figure, table and reference.
Margin is 25 mm both top and bottom, left and right.
Font is preferably Times (or Times New Roman).
The title should be typed with a 14-point font (Bold).
The name of the presenter must be underlined.
The affiliation(s) in parentheses and name of the authors should be typed next and should be separated by an empty line from the title.
The text should be typed with a 11-point font and should be separated by an empty line from the author’s name.
The box on the left of the title must be kept blank. Presentation number will be printed in the space by Secretariat.
Abstract must be submitted as PDF files of camera-ready versions. Fonts must be embedded when making a PDF file.
Presentation number given by the secretariat must be used as a file name of the abstract for submission. (e.g. : 1A01.pdf, 3P025.pdf)