Abstract submission

Before submitting, please confirm that your abstract follows the Instructions for Authors.
Check the check boxes if it is properly written.
If not, you cannot move on to the next page for uploading your abstract.

  • 2 PAGE of A4 size, printed in monochrome
  • Margin: 22mm both top and bottom, left and right
  • 22pt spacing
  • Size of figures or captions should be carefully checked.
  • Fonts must be embedded when making a PDF file (If not, they may be illegible when printing).
  • File name should be the presentation number informed by the organizer on June 18, 2012.

No. 1: I confirmed the layout and other instructions above.

Font Size
  • Title: Times New Roman 18pt Bold
  • Names of authors: Times New Roman 18 pt Normal
  • Text: Times New Roman 16 pt Normal

No. 2: I confirmed the font size.

  • The box on the left of the title must be kept blank. Presentation number will be printed in the space.
  • Title: Only the first word of the title (except symbols or proper nouns) should be capitalized.
  • Place names as : FAMILY NAME, Given name
  • Presenting author should be identified by underlining the name.
  • Authors should be set apart by a semi column g ; h.
  • Leave one blank line between the names of authors and the text.

No. 3: I confirmed the instructions above.